> lru_map@0.3.0 benchmark /src/js-lru > node --expose-gc benchmark.js N = 10000, Iterations = 1000 ---------- function (){ // 1. put // Simply append a new entry. // There will be no reordering since we simply append to the tail. for (var i=N; --i;) c.set('key'+i, i); } rss: +9,380 kB -- (19,564 kB -> 28,944 kB) heap total: +6,144 kB -- (11,260 kB -> 17,404 kB) heap used: +1,640 kB -- (3,819 kB -> 5,459 kB) -- 1.192 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 2. get recent -> old // Get entries starting with newest, effectively reversing the list. // // a. For each get, a find is first executed implemented as a native object with // keys mapping to entries, so this should be reasonably fast as most native // objects are implemented as hash maps. // // b. For each get, the aquired item will be moved to tail which includes a // maximum of 7 assignment operations (minimum 3). for (var i=1,L=N+1; i<L; ++i) c.get('key'+i, i); } rss: +340 kB -- (29,112 kB -> 29,452 kB) heap total: +0 kB -- (18,428 kB -> 18,428 kB) heap used: -255 kB -- (5,479 kB -> 5,224 kB) -- 1.197 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 3. get old -> recent // Get entries starting with oldest, effectively reversing the list. // // - Same conditions apply as for test 2. for (var i=1,L=N+1; i<L; ++i) c.get('key'+i); } rss: -344 kB -- (29,476 kB -> 29,132 kB) heap total: +0 kB -- (18,428 kB -> 18,428 kB) heap used: +3 kB -- (5,211 kB -> 5,215 kB) -- 1.161 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 4. get missing // Get try to get entries not in the cache. // - Same conditions apply as for test 2, section a. for (var i=1,L=N+1; i<L; ++i) c.get('xkey'+i); } rss: +0 kB -- (29,132 kB -> 29,132 kB) heap total: +0 kB -- (18,428 kB -> 18,428 kB) heap used: +5 kB -- (5,210 kB -> 5,215 kB) -- 1.035 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 5. put overflow // Overflow the cache with N more items than it can hold. // a. The complexity of put in this case should be: // ( <get whith enough space> + <shift> ) for (var i=N; --i;) c.set('key2_'+i, i); } rss: +2,036 kB -- (29,132 kB -> 31,168 kB) heap total: +916 kB -- (18,428 kB -> 19,344 kB) heap used: +542 kB -- (5,211 kB -> 5,752 kB) -- 1.185 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 6. shift head -> tail // Remove all entries going from head to tail for (var i=1,L=N+1; i<L; ++i) c.shift(); } rss: -1,528 kB -- (31,288 kB -> 29,760 kB) heap total: +108 kB -- (18,320 kB -> 18,428 kB) heap used: -1,819 kB -- (5,748 kB -> 3,929 kB) -- 0.023 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 7. put // Simply put N new items into an empty cache with exactly N space. for (var i=N; --i;) c.set('key'+i, i); } rss: +8,064 kB -- (29,876 kB -> 37,940 kB) heap total: +8,192 kB -- (17,404 kB -> 25,596 kB) heap used: +1,327 kB -- (3,904 kB -> 5,232 kB) -- 1.264 ms avg per iteration -- ---------- function (){ // 8. delete random // a. Most operations (which are not entries at head or tail) will cause closes // siblings to be relinked. for (var i=shuffledKeys.length, key; key = shuffledKeys[--i]; ) { c.delete('key'+i, i); } } rss: +132 kB -- (38,088 kB -> 38,220 kB) heap total: +0 kB -- (25,596 kB -> 25,596 kB) heap used: +410 kB -- (5,380 kB -> 5,789 kB) -- 1.914 ms avg per iteration --